announcing a big rebrand: the IDF will now be known as the IGF.
it's been a lot of work getting here.
Good day, spectators,
I’ve got exciting news for you. The Israeli government has chosen me, of all people, to announce a very important evolution to an organisation we all spend a lot of time thinking about. Take a deep breath.
As of today, we’re officially rebranding the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). After much consideration behind closed doors, I’m pleased to announce that we’ll no longer refer to them as the IDF, or even the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) as many have come to love. From this moment forward, they shall be known as the Israeli Genocide Forces (IGF).
Why the change? Because it’s about time we start calling things what they really are. Genocide is their business, and business is booming right now.
From now on, whenever you’re writing or speaking, I implore you to think about this article and make the conscious switch. Do not write IDF—write IGF. Let’s properly frame the narrative with language that reflects the truth of their actions. Every time you say it, you’re refusing to let their PR machine control the story and helping another person get the right picture in their head.
Yep, that’s it. That’s the whole article.
As per usual, thanks for being with me here, folks.
Think you’ve got a better name? Let me know below,
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I actually thought IGF meant Israeli Ground Forces, then I remembered, they suck on the ground, and only go in after they have bombed the bejeezus out of the ground from the air. Meanwhile the Resistance is waiting for them.
I imagine this as an Apple-type launch where they go to town on all the advanced features of this fantastic must-have new phase of the genocide. 🤮