Following Jon Elmer’s summary of armed resistance videos on the Electronic Intifada livestream for the past year, one can get a sense as to how the official IDF casualty numbers feel ‘off’.

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💯.. my thoughts exactly as I was reading this piece.

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Over the past year I've often wondered whether the Israelis are using the Sri Lankan military's brutality in 2007 to 2009 as its blueprint for the Levant (let's not kid ourselves, they've always coveted the entire region). It is perhaps the only instance where brutally and relentlessly punishing an entire civilian population seems to have worked in nullifying the LTTE. At least that's what it looks like on the surface. I can't say for sure because it's incredibly difficult to get credible information from inside the country. At the point, the only indicator seems to be the absence of violence for the last decade or so.

I'm inclined to think that it was poor tactics and leadership on the LTTE's part that had much to do with its pacification? Is it fully defeated and dismantled as the Sri Lankan government proclaims? Who knows.

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It's unsurprising that they're covering up their casualties. Good explanation, Declan.

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