There was never any reason to expect anything less of the most moral army in the world.

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And those evil, rotten israelis and trump think that Gazans should emigrate to Egypt while they “clean up” Gaza? Of course they do. And trump, along with his waxen faced son in law is in what business? Oh, that’s right. Real estate development.

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Spot on, Declan. Thanks.

As you write, Israel will never stop until it is stopped.

The utter depravity of what they are doing is beyond even the imagination of Dante.

You ask how low can they go. The Abyss is the answer at present.

Keep up the pressure on these monsters, turn it into a tidal wave, wash the violent warmongers down the Abyss from whence they came, cover it over and keep them in hell where they belong.

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Thanks very much for your post Declan. There is a TINY number of journalists telling the truth about the evil zionist entity and they are mostly here on Substack. You, the brilliant Ricky Hale and Caitlin Johnstone are three such examples. We have already seen how the British establishment is clamping down on solidarity for Palestinians, with its arrest and harassment of independent journalists and suppression of pro-Palestine protests. Thanks again, and keep writing.

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Sterling work Declan. Thanks.

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Thank you for your kind comment 🙏🏻

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Israel, just like America, excels in LYING CHEATING STEALING KILLING

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Judaic supremacism is a scourge on all humanity

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No! The West is not unaware of the Zionist plans, which they do not even hide from themselves.

Moreover, what credit should be given to the agreements signed by Israel?

Although they do not give a damn about religion, the Zionists, when it comes to agreements and commitments, practice the principle of Kol nidre and not only for Yom Kippur but all the time. Generally speaking, all commitments made with the goyim are considered null and void, it is as simple as that, history has abundantly demonstrated it.

One only has to see what happened to the ceasefires, resolutions and, successive pseudo peace agreements signed and remained a dead letter: in particular, the Peel Commission 1937, UN resolution 194 of 1948, Camp David 1978, Oslo 1993, Annapolis 2007…

Yes! It is indisputable that President Trump views with the same contempt as the Zionists the subhuman populations of the penal colony that Palestine has become, who can be massacred, shamelessly displaced, mutilated, disintegrated, used as guinea pigs, all without batting an eyelid.

Certainly, the citizens of the world are increasingly engaging against the evil web that results from the unnatural collusion between the powers of the so-called free world and the colonial entity that they helped to establish and maintain, and are rebelling against the aberrant policies that defy the hearts and reason, of the leaders that, deep down, they have chosen for themselves.

Have things changed one iota in decades?

Yes, they have! For the worse! And look where we are now!

The Machiavellian plans of this unhealthy couple [US/Israel] are about to succeed, namely the mass exodus cleverly orchestrated of survivors of the ongoing genocide and their dumping into the natural emunctories that are the surrounding Arab countries. Genocide which, it is needless to say, is the responsibility of the USA without whom none of this could have happened.

I admire, respect and salute the commitment and optimism of Declan O’Mulrooney and his ilk.

However, is there really any reason to remain optimistic?

Unfortunately, a real revolution is needed in the USA for foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East - clearly piloted by Tel Aviv thanks to the considerable weight of the Zionist lobbies - to change,

And, we are clearly very far from such changes, which we will probably not be allowed to witness.

It is, it seems to me, too late for Palestine. A tragic mistake, an aborted dream, a denial of justice and a moral bankruptcy, Inexpiable, Have led us here…

Alea jacta est…

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The treachery and murderous activities of Israel, the US, Western Governments and their client media literally knows no bounds. I fear we are about to witness even more grotesque violence upon the Palestinian people while our own Starmer and Lammy look on while they try and normalise everything they do.

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> It’s a stupid idea: uprooting over two million people from their homes and dumping them into neighbouring countries already stretched thin by decades of war and displacement.


>As absurd as it sounds, such remarks aren’t just the insane ramblings of a man out of his depth. They reflect the West’s broader disregard for the humanity of Palestinians.

It's not a random idea born in the West's broader disregard. It's a specific idea borne in the minds of Zionists and transmitted to Trump by Zionists.

The Zionists have always intended to ethnically cleanse the land from the early days of the 1st and 2nd Aliyah https://edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/7572869/mod_resource/content/1/Nur%20Masalha%20-%20Expulsion%20of%20the%20Palestinians%20-%20The%20Concept%20of%20Transfer%20in%20Zionist%20Political%20Thought%2C%201882-1948.pdf to the stuff their politicians and their thought leaders keep saying, no indication of self-awareness that their attitudes are wrong, just blatant dehumanization, naked greed, and embrace of violence. https://archive.ph/DW0Vd

In pursuit of this their goal they have used every means that they could effect, from economic pressure to legal pressure exerted through manipulated third parties to illegal immigration to terror tactics to long-standing plans to "drive the Arabs (sic) out by the sword" https://archive.ph/Qz3Mp as conceived by Israel Zangwill at the end of the 19th century.

Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a protege of Zangwill's and the author of Revisionist Zionism (close to the most violent variant of Zionism) conceived in the 19-teens of a Zionist military unit to be snuck into Palestine under guise of aiding the British in WWI. See for e.g: https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/jabotinsky-vladimir/ and https://mosaicmagazine.com/response/israel-zionism/2017/06/jabotinskys-role-and-the-jewish-legions-in-securing-the-balfour-declaration/ and https://www.counterfire.org/article/the-man-in-whose-shadow-netanyahu-walks/ and https://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CZ%5CH%5CZhabotinskyVladimir.htm).

This earliest militia along with Jabotinsky's post-WWI secret Palestinian insurgent group https://balfourproject.org/the-1920-jerusalem-riots-arab-fears-zionist-pressures-faulty-security-cited-in-british-palin-inquiry/ became the Zionist terror groups, and these groups began the Nakba before the British had even withdrawn, not on the date of flag-planting as is commonly put about, or many other Zionists throughout history.

For readers who haven't yet, watch the start of this excellent documentary carefully and the terror campaign beginning in late 1947 becomes clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwy-Rf15UIs Their discussion, to me, carries some necessary information to clarify a vague and under-discussed period of time in Palestinian history: the period of time between the Zionist terrorist groups Irgun, Hagenah and Lehi achieving their aims of driving the British out through terror campaigns, and their acknowledged formation into "respectable" military once the Zionists had planted their flag and had a meeting to declare themselves the owner of Palestinians' land.

This page has a paragraph about it https://www.palquest.org/en/highlight/160/nakba which adds some concrete understanding to this mostly correct timeline (this both-sidesy presentation fails to mention Israel Zangwill's proselytization of ultimate violence as well as the many other threads of ethnocentric ultraviolence woven throughout early Zionist history).

The object of their relentless desire is the British-overseen territory Mandate of Palestine, not the smaller parcel eventually extracted from the western countries of the UN https://www.palquest.org/en/highlight/159/un-partition-plan-29-november-1947 .

I mean look at this analysis of their unspoken war doctrine, "accountability-rationale" (named after an early so-called campaign "Operation Accountability" -- half of these bullying sorties which resemble exactly the tactics of a domestic abuser are against Lebanon. The other half against the Gaza Strip.

But this IDF [sic; IOF] document https://web.archive.org/web/20201030105332/https://ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/resources/docs/INSS%20memo159.pdf states in their own words the central role that the military plays in Israel's society and self-conception, and that the military turned from being a defensive force to being a force supporting the acquisition of Palestinian territory by settlers and a primary means by which Israel acquires more of Palestinians' land, nibbling away at it as we have seen in the time lapse maps of Palestinian territory being eaten away from within. From Chapter 3, pg 38-40 (I highly recommend reading the whole):

"The 1950s and the 1960s until the Six Day War were characterized by a sense of concrete existential danger. ... general mobilization became a national standard. Compulsory service and reserve duty were accepted as self-evident and as needing no justification. The wars themselves, and the military actions that took place between them, were perceived as actions that Israel had no choice but to take, although some were clearly operations and wars of choice. [ed: note the self-justification even here, "wars of choice"] ... The IDF facilitated integration and unity within Israeli society through compulsory and reserve service, especially in the 1950s... The battle became a national symbol and value, and war emerged as the chief idea shaping Israeli society... The army stood at the center of the Israeli experience, and the prevalent military ethos was the civilian’s obligation to the state....consensus regarding national security that existed in Israel from the 1950s until after the Six Day War rested more on social conventions than on political agreements, to the point that the IDF was transformed from a means to Israel’s existence into a value in itself. ...

The major change began after the Six Day War, but was not evident at the outset. Gradually...a profound change has occurred in the IDF’s political and social positioning in Israeli society. The sense of siege and existential danger...has subsided. Instead of war aimed at defense and maintaining the status quo, the IDF’s aim has changed to that of holding the territories that were conquered in 1967 and...forever change the territorial formation of the State of Israel. In addition...Israeli society observed that not all wars are successful, military supremacy is not assured, and that quite surprisingly, a major war with no resolution can actually give rise to reasonable security arrangements, [ed: cf the warontherocks article about conflict cycles started by Israel; this seems to support that these are intentional] ...[yet] the “existential threat” continues to serve as a political and social tool of government control that, in recent years, has even intensified.

The same period witnessed ...massive Jewish settlement in the heart of the Palestinian population, which was aimed at preventing a political resolution based on future territorial concessions. After the Six Day War, it was the IDF that led the process of Jewish settlement in the territories occupied during the war. ...Nahal “outposts” in the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula (of 59 Nahal outposts, four were within the Green Line), initially in defense of the settlements in these areas, and later as an operational arm of *the policy of displacing Palestinians in favor of Jewish settlement* [ed: emphasis mine]. ...

After the Yom Kippur War, the IDF ...now operated under the motto of “defending all Israelis, wherever they live,” and was operated and regulated by Israeli governments that had not yet decided the future of the occupied territories, but that nonetheless conducted an active settlement policy and at the same time stripped the IDF of its national and constitutional role as the bearer of sovereignty in the territories. The truth of the matter is that the IDF has served as the primary government tool for providing land for the settlements. In the Gaza Strip in the past, and in Judea and Samaria today, extreme interactions between Israelis and Palestinians in which the IDF is involved, and sometimes dictates, have become the norm."

**Nothing about this societal model has changed, with this so-called "ceasefire".** This model *must* be dismantled to the ground, just as the world called a halt to the operation of Nazi Germany's legal structures, examined each one for Naziism, and replaced all structures producing Naziism with other structures, after World War II.

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As for the ideas about moving the Palestinians out of Gaza into neighboring countries, this is an Israeli Zionist idea that has been successfully socialized into US leadership, as Netanyahu indicated would be an obvious Israeli government goal.

When an Israeli politician, especially Netanyahu, says that something they want will only happen with US agreement, it is a given without any doubt that Israel is also working to effect that agreement https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-says-settlements-jordan-valley-will-only-be-annexed-with-us-consent/.

Netanyahu has been planning to ethnically cleanse Gaza all along. https://archive.ph/3Q9jq#selection-5624.0-5624.1 & https://mondoweiss.net/2015/05/netanyahu-palestinians-government/

Here's Ayelet Shaked recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEu-dQWOlL4 , expressing the pov that has been hers and her boss Naftali Bennett's https://www.thecairoreview.com/essays/israels-ever-existing-plan-to-depopulate-the-gaza-strip/ all along.

This is not some vague idea that the US or Trump came up with independently because the west vaguely has contempt for Palestinians. I am not saying that attitude doesn't exist. But this specific idea is coming directly from Israel. In the past, it came from its past leadership and from circulating within its society, and it was socialized to the US and the West as much as the US and the West would tolerate it, motte-and-bailey approach always used. At this point, the advance of the proposition has moved up to the castle walls so to speak, with the present-day idea coming directly from its current and its recent (last 15 years) leadership.

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just to clarify that the Jordan Valley concept has a history, which is why I linked to 2020, and it is still active. Here's a few days ago https://www.timesofisrael.com/coalition-votes-down-legislation-on-state-oct-7-probe-annexation-of-jordan-valley/ and Trump's recent statements vary on that theme https://www.weau.com/2025/01/26/trump-floats-plan-just-clean-out-gaza-he-calls-jordan-egypt-accept-more-refugees/ and would be in response to Israel's attempts at gaining their desires.

This is how this incremental multi-pronged Israeli strategy operates, always.

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I wonder will big george galloway stop licking trumps sweaty ballbag and call him out for this ???

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Eretz Yisrael - Greater Israel. Never forget. Do not buy the Jewish Hasbara spewing from mainstream western media

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Well I just watched a video of more protesters shouting DEATH TO CANADA DEATH TO AMERICA AND DEATH TO ISREAL!!! So I think every single person across the planet that says anything like that is a terrorist and should be locked up forever. The decent people of the world are fed up with these radical nut jobs and things are going to change soon.

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The humanity of Palestinians? I watch the protesters supporting Palestine daily chant death to the west death to America and attack anyone that displays the Canadian flag near their so called peaceful protests. What your spreading is propaganda. How I and many other real Canadians feel. The problems that they're having in Gaza should not start problems anywhere else but it does. How would you feel if a bunch of rowdy newcomers in your country started demonstrating about something that doesn't even matter to your daily life. Maybe I should ask where your from first but if you say your from the us or canada or anywhere except Gaza then what the hell are you doing speaking for a place you don't claim to be from. And if you are from Gaza and you want the fighting to stop then get your message to the ones doing the fighting. We all know war is terrible but making everyone on the planet angry about having to deal with these local protests is creating problems that don't need to be created. I pray for peace in the middle east. And Noone is in support of depravity against humans but forcing your beliefs on others is in my opinion not how to get people to agree. I'll also say it seems to me we hear daily that Isreal has done this or that and it only comes from Palestinian people or reporters. We don't hear much from the Israeli side of what's happening. So I can only think that it's propaganda because it's so one sided.

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Wait a second…you say that you don’t hear much from Israel? The gang that murdered nearly 200 journalists in Gaza; that created Pegasus software to silence its critics and spy on its allies; the gang that controls the American congress via its Israel Lobby, and pressures Universities to fire tenured professors because they express outrage at mass killing? You don’t hear much from them? Interesting.

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If you support Palestine you support hamas and that makes you a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer at the very least.

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Probably because it isn't factual or just doesn't concern us here i don't know but none of that is what you hear from protesters either.

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No ive not heard anything about any of that

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How many Palestinians have already gone to other countries it is possible to relocate. But your pride won't let you.

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On the other hand it is american greed that won't let you relocate either.

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Relocating 2 million people isn't hard look at how many found their way to the united states. They just don't want to even try they just want to keep the war going.

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Obviously it is the European invaders that should be relocated, leaving Palestine to the Semite Jews, Christina’s, Muslims, and atheists who lived there for centuries in relative peace.,

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Oops, don't look now, but your trolling behavior, laced with racist ignorance, is practically neon right now. Where are my sunglasses... oh, wait. I can block you! Soooo much easier.

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