what the hell do you stand for, Keir Starmer?
an open letter to the UK Prime Minister on silence and complicity.
Good morning, spectators,
And this one actually isn’t for you—it’s an open letter to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Keir. What on earth do you stand for? You sit there in Parliament, wishy-washy and flaccid, offering little in the way of vision or conviction, only platitudes. The only thing you seem capable of passionately defending is your unwavering support for Israel—a country that many of us, and indeed much of the world, view as relentlessly genocidal.
I’m not going to beat around the bush. The United Nations, Amnesty International, Wikipedia, NGOs, and, most damningly, our own eyes tell the same story. The evidence is insurmountable: the slaughter of innocents, the destruction of homes, schools, hospitals. We know what’s happening, Keir. And so do you. Stop insulting the intelligence of your people with your silence and stop implicating them in complicity.
When will you end the UK’s involvement?
The situation couldn’t be clearer. Now the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu. A war criminal. Your allies, the Netherlands and Canada, have already announced they’ll uphold international law and arrest him should he step foot in their countries. But what about Britain? Where will it stand in this moment?
Keir, the time has come to make a choice. Will you continue to sit on the sidelines, supporting the actions of a government involved in genocide? Will you let Britain be remembered to have chosen war criminals over justice in 2024? Or will you finally take a stand?
Tick tock. History will not forget this moment. You can still do the right thing. But let me tell you, the window for action is closing fast,
Thank goodness for Jeremy Corbyn:
I'm with you all the way 100%. However 'Starlin" is Trilateral Commission and therefore his bottom line loyalty is to the eugenics loving oligarchy/Davos possee he is hermetically sealed to. He's a typical assembly line robot produced by the satanic Western empire/elites. He and Cecil Rhodes would have been bosom buddies. Like Trump he was selected. He's married to a Jew which kind of nails it. He's Israel first, period. But the West will reap what it has sown so will Zionist Israel. Evil is a parasite. Fascism usually self destructs.