Thank goodness for Jeremy Corbyn:


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I'm with you all the way 100%. However 'Starlin" is Trilateral Commission and therefore his bottom line loyalty is to the eugenics loving oligarchy/Davos possee he is hermetically sealed to. He's a typical assembly line robot produced by the satanic Western empire/elites. He and Cecil Rhodes would have been bosom buddies. Like Trump he was selected. He's married to a Jew which kind of nails it. He's Israel first, period. But the West will reap what it has sown so will Zionist Israel. Evil is a parasite. Fascism usually self destructs.

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They definitely have the blinders on these stubborn old mules.

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I don't want to get too identitarian, but remember who his wife is. I'm not saying that's the sole reason as to why he's such a sycophant for israel, the idf, and zionism, but it's something to consider.

I think the elephant in the room is that zionist extremism is the norm amongst the "diaspora" communities in the west-- if we were talking about Muslims instead of Jews, alarm bells would be ringing across the board if you had a Muslim community member openly saying, for example, "95% of our community are staunch supporters of al Qaeda and ISIS".

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Herr Starmer, if you study his career, seems to have always been the same. He’s simply totally devoid of all empathy, and is, in my opinion, a sociopath. He won’t change because he’s probably incapable of changing, unfortunately.

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Not sure, but I can think of a few things he kneels for

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