Cross-posted with thanks.

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Thank you very much, Frances, and a good morning from a foggy Ireland!

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This brave and necessary work, thank you ❤️‍🩹

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Thank you very much Susan and make sure to give me a subscribe.

the spectacle is free and always will be!

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Frances, thank you for making us aware of this asset!

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God bless you for your work!

This is the war of the Empire to maintain control of Arabian Peninsula oil reserves, the israelis are cannon fodder proxies just like the Ukrainians.

It will be a long bloody genocidal war, but the Empire, its proxies and its vassal monarchs will be destroyed, even if the Empire resorts to nukes.

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Love & Gratitude Declan,

You’re a modern day Bartolome De Las Casas.

He was a Dominican priest who documented the earliest of crimes in the “americas”, the Columbus era. Here’s a link to an article about his ideas about what he knew and refused to ignore. Had he not been so honestly diligent; the truth would be buried under the fires of lying minds.



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What an honour to be compared to such a legendary gentleman. Thank you so much for commenting and keep reading and I will keep writing.

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Thank you, Declan, even though this list sickens and infuriates me. I will do my best to use my writing skills, such as they may be, to cry against the actions of the Israeli State in the wilderness of deluded Canadian popular opinion.

I know and love people who are active in the condemnation of pro-Palestinian protesters because these good people have been convinced that these protesters are agents of terrorism and anti-Semitism. I get the silent treatment from these formerly friendly people so I have no choice but to assume that my anti-Israel remarks are dismissed as the rantings of a fool; my anti-“Vaccination” remarks were explicitly so denounced by one relative who vowed to get the Pfizer jab, so I assume that the same mental construct will apply to everything I write.

I have even “unfriended” people I love because they asked me to, fearing that being mentioned on my Facebook “profile” might get them in some sort of danger – maybe they feared being “doxed” by protesters. I worried that if I do get any serious notoriety on-line my stand might get them in trouble in their government related jobs. Such is the state of affairs here in the country I used to trust as lawful and liberal and good.

And democratic, I used to think that as well of the "State of Canada" and everybody I know is naive enough to still think it. I call the Prime Minister’s Office a dictatorship opposed by a House of Commons “Opposition" with no more real power than our ceremonial Governors General and our appointed Senate. No, my feeble friends all say, we’re a democracy. The whole House applauded Ukrainian Nazis and sends arms to Israeli Nazis. The Ukrainians could put on yarmulkas and play our people for even more pathetic fools if it ever becomes necessary.

Declan, your list reminded me of a “Hit Parade” except in this case the “hits” are mafia “hits” – paid murders by mercenary sadists who enjoy protection by “the mob”. Really, that’s a more literal description of the “State of Israel” in Palestine, and over here in nice dumb Canada, than anybody I personally know would be capable of understanding.

As it is with many a hit parade of “golden oldies” there were just too many favourites to list them all. My fellow fans of sadistic, cowardly, racist, murdering, scumbag pussies in armour and their hell bent soulless careen to eternal damnation... Do you remember this one?

Six-year-old Palestinian girl trapped in car with dead relatives now missing - YouTube


On Feb 6/24 the girl is still “missing” along with the two Palestinian ambulance drivers who were dispatched to try to rescue her. She was on her cell phone pleading for help for “hours” before contact was lost while she was screaming in terror. On February 15 finally NBC and other US bureaus announced that little Hind Rejab had been murdered by an IDF tank crew along with the ambulance driver and EMT. NBC didn’t send a reporter to record the IDF so-called “soldiers" laughing about it.

My Canadian relatives will never see this but if they do… well… maybe you can get where I’m coming from and maybe you just aren’t grown-up enough. Excuse the crap outta me. But what the hell do you expect me to feel about your behaviour, kids?

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Thank you very much for reading James and I wish I had enough time to respond to all of the comments thoroughly but just know that I have read your comment through and I appreciate you joining me here.

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Thanks for the kind comment, Declan. I'm just trying to find some sort of order to what I think about these terrible events. Thinking out loud mostly with intuition and not logic, which I'm bad at.

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You are an angel, Declan. xo xo

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thank you for your kind comment! you keep reading and I will keep writing.

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Let's both pray for an end to writing about Palestine, because it is no longer an issue!!!!

THEN you can write about how We the People of Earth put down the EVIL... once and for all. xo xo xo

Carry on, brother man.

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Declan, great work... but only back to the 50s? Kidding!!! I'm sure everyone is aware that the expulsion of Jews from every civilization/empire goes back to the beginning of recorded history... but the Balfour Declaration, IMO, was the catalyst for the atrocities occurring since. I tried to find the Zionist Manefesto/Creed where it states, that non-jews are Goyim and should be "eliminated."

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Davi! I apologize for responding to your comments sooner but I am inundated with comments and such right now. You're 100% correct that I should and want to expand this article a lot. My vision for this piece is to one day have an accurate log of every single relevant piece of information. Unfortunately I am just one person though!

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Take your time... again great work. Watch/Listen/Read anything from Jordan Maxwell on this topic... if you haven't already. Or Zacharia Sitchen. (sp)

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It’s in the Talmud. You can find references to it in memes on substack and articles as well.

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Such a creed does not exist. You should check out the Hamas charter though. It states directly their goal of exterminating the Jews

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Yeah! I'm not sure if the majority of people are aware that the jews have been expelled from every civilization since the beginning of recorded history or not? I'm in America and my government is full of Zionists! The majority of Americans are Trump worshippers and put a blind eye to the fact that Donald Trump is a Zionist and if he gets in again Trump will make it against the law through antisemitism laws to speak out against Israel and the genocide that they are doing! Trump is Israel first and will sell America out for Israel! I've done my best to wake my husband up, but just like the majority of Trump worshippers, he refuses to see and hear! The majority of Americans are completely asleep and they don't see it, it's very concerning to me!

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Should be projected onto the Houses Of Parliament until Starmer stops supporting Israel. How can he dare Ro sanction Iran and keep sending weapons and money to the terrorists? How do we stop him? Evil man.

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thank you for reading, Maria!

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Thank you, enormously much, for this epic piece of work.

This is crucial evidence, and it will make a difference.

Have a good rest ♡

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You know it, AJ! Thanks

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Dear God.

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One "side", in the Israel-Palestine, Invasion, has control of the ordnance, the propaganda, the propagandists and the credulous minds of the public.

There is NO WAR... This is an exercise in murder and dispossession by the controllers of the force and the controllers of the narrative.

The story of Jewish Zionism and the Palestinian natives is a parallel with the story of America and the pre-Columbian natives of America.

They are both unbroken Stories of murder and theft by the colonists.

All other stories of wars and who is to blame are disingenuous interpretations to satisfy the intimidated publics' psychological inability, to accept this monumental inhumanity.

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Shir Hever gives Israel one year now. Either it is destroyed by others within the year (or by itself through suicide financially) or we are all gone within one year due to its psychopathology (obviously nuclear war). I have been saying this for a year so I guess I was only slightly optimistic. I dreamed Bibi was assassinated (not that he is the cause of this behavior). There is one former entity that used to be much more competent than Mossad at these kinds of actions. One wonders why they are so quiet.

YOU, Frances, are a "young writer" or Declan is?

My ISP was dysfunctional for 13 days so I missed a lot. I got so much done... Didn't hear about most of it on what VT calls "lamestream media". Unfortunately, I'm addicted to the truth on the ground, hard as it is to witness. Don't think there's much ordinary citizens can do besides educate one another. The Democrats are finally worried. The Republicans aren't but should be. The natives are very restless on these shores.

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I am reading Max Blumenthal's "Goliath" which covers the situation at the time of Cast Lead. It's really interesting to see what Israel was like in 2010-11, and to see what it became 14 years later (the present). They were crazy back then. It doesn't surprise me because 40% of my high school class in Iran were Iraqi-Jews and the boys--not the girls--were just as crazy, hyped up, aggressive, abusive, suffering from a Zionist superiority complex mixed with a male superiority complex--bad combination--and these were Iraqi Jews who were not conned to moving to Israel in the 1950's by Mossad's false flag bombings. These are people whose parents were bribed by the Shah to move to Iran to help in the oil fields and other professions in 1963. Some of them emigrated to Israel in the late 70's and 80's and some of those left after seeing how poorly the Ashkenazi treated them.

Israel has no chance of winning a war with Iran, even with the US helping. The US military is pretty degraded at this point. Prepare for friends and relatives and neighbors to come back in body bags.

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This is an unprecedented piece of journalism, which as you have stated, was very painful for you, and continues to be so as you carry on. Thank you for sharing!

I am Jewish American and never understood Israeli psychology until last year. I had just assumed all Jews were Jews and felt a similar relationship with God and humanity. I was naive. After taking a deep dive into the Zionist history in Europe starting in the 1840s, my whole world was shaken. The reality I lived in blew a fuse of which continues to ignite my heart with sadness.

Not all Jews are the same. After watching one of Melanie Phillip's video interviews about how Israelis support Netanyahu, and that all Muslims hate Jews and need to be destroyed, I wondered why she and so many other Jews, want the brutal genocide against the Palestinians. There is an inherent obsession with Jewish history, to exterminate the people who Jews fought in the past, and must conquer to create a Greater Israel. And the hate that has accumulated ever since is genetically shared generation to generation, with a completely deceptive, deluded intent, without any reasonable evaluation. Human compassion has been devoured, human compassion has mutated to a cancerous genome which is indigenous to the Israeli Jews, and those that have become Israeli.

But what makes it even worse, is that the UN International Court of Justice has condemned Benjamin Netanyahu, but did nothing to enforce their decision. And the International Criminal Court condemned Israel, and did nothing to enforce their claim. And as the Western nations censor all protest against Israel making it a crime, one doesn't have to go very far to realize, that the Jews rule the world; and that this war that has been going on for centuries, at this time is culminating just as the Book of Revelations in the Bible has speculated as Armageddon.

There is a group of Jews who have evolved past their history, who became Buddhist. In fact the whole Buddhist movement in North America and Europe, was founded by Jews. I am one of them. What is different is also what is the same: God tells us we are in charge; God tells us, the present is the only reality; God tells us that we create our reality. History is not reality. History is within each of us not as a precedent or a given truth to flaunt--history is not reality. It is in our imagination to utilize Now! And Now without history taking over our lives, is where we are empowered to take control.

Unfortunately, the Israeli Jews are deadly stuck in their past. They are subsumed by it and because they refuse to evolve to see God as the Universe and all of nature, their path of war is going to kill a tremendous number of people.

We each have a choice to live in peace and love each other, honor our differences and find our human connections. Our moment to moment choices are the greatest determinants which could heal the world or destroy each other.

For any of you who are astrologers, Pluto opposite Mars, is taking place: the darkest aspects of reality and human intention. Here is Bryan Coulter:


Blessings to You and All

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Thank you so much for commenting, Hillary and unfortunately I cannot reply extensively to everybody at the moment but know that I have read your whole reply. Thank you for reading and do make sure to subscribe, the spectacle is free and always will be.

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Thank you for your reply, Declan.

Sending Hugs

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Please check out a posting by Michael Hudson http://michael-hudson.com titled Sovereignty in Crisis Israel Palestine & America's Global Agenda.

It gives a very interesting perspective on what's happening in the Middle East and why.

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Outstanding job! Thanks!

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This is just "choosing a side," and thus more war-mongering. Yes, I have been reading about Israeli atrocities for years--and Palestinian ones. Such horror cannot POSSIBLY be rectified by more hate, and more declaring "the other side" to be evil and wrong. Evil must be replaced by Love. There is plenty of opportunity for that as both Israelis/Jews and Palestinians trace much of their ancestry to ancient Israelites, which means BOTH sides are The Promised People of the Bible. The Muslims around the world, especially in the Middle East, largely descend from Ismael, son of Abraham.

My substack https://ishmaelhandinhand.substack.com?utm_campaign=email-home&r=rjka5

goes into this. I am currently working on a post about the common ancestry and why "Christian Zionism" or any other way of taking sides AGAINST some of Abraham's children is unscriptural, offensive to God, and war-mongering. I love ALL Abraham's children and Bless them all. My substack is to show the haters the glory of their true destiny.

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