It is about time to expell israeli teams from competing in european sports events.
Israel was invited long time ago to prevent isolation in a 'hostile' environment. Now that Israel has shown it has no due respect a guest must show, now that Israel is isolating itself from civilized countries, we don't need to still be generous.
I'm afraid not. But Fifa and Uefa are better targets to try a change than the UN. Just for sheer size! Football fans as a lever can make pressure - its about money. Imagine boykotting an important match ...
I wanted to say FIFA won't do it on its own. Unless fans make more pressure. FIFA has no conscience of its own. FIFA goes where the sponsors tell them to go.
I can't tell if the reference to "civilized countries" is intended as satire, due to the colonial anglocentric nature of that inference. I have never considered european countries, including "israel," civilized. Quite the opposite, actually.
Israel should never had been invited to pretend to be part oof Europe in the first place. If they were "isolated" well that's because Israel has from inception been a murderous colonial aparthied state:
And that's before one adds the fact that they have been bombing and invading neighbouring countries for 50+ years.
Israel is a rogue state that indeed SHOULD be isolated. And sanctioned. And frankly embragoed until they stop doing all the illegal things that they are doing. Its long overdue.
George, good morning! You're going to love what I have to tell you: guess where they're playing in two weeks? Istanbul! Not sure we'll see the same arrogance there.
The clubs are owned by westerne oligarchs who are corrupt and often in bed with zionists. Some of the clubs, such as Athletico Madrid, are actually directly owned by Israeli oligarchs:
Israel is not in Europe. It does not adhere to European values. It is a country at war with all its neighbours and, as such, should not be included in any sporting event.
However, the world of football is keen to rake in the cash..... so decent values take a back seat.
It is a project founded and sustained by europeans, hence the settler-colonial barbarism employed since the 1800s. Before the european zionists, other europeans decided we weren't "human" and exercised their illegal squatting and raping rights just as european countries do. Zionism is a product of europe, 100%.
"European values" include colonialism allied to the evelation of commercialism over all human and social values, and the exercise of military might to impose this regime.
And in fact the state of israel was literally born out of those values, as it is a colonial state, carved out in the middle east by European colonial powers.
Israel is a spoiled child that is living out the values of its parents.
Yep. BUT it was not the European people who did this… was it? No. It was the international crime syndicate who rule over us all and treat us all like slaves.
Do they think people are stupid to keep buying into this? There are videos of them clearly being the provocateurs. They wanted it to happen so they can cry victim.
Entitled , obnoxious, arrogant pricks. Why are they allowed to compete in any international competition? South Africa wasn’t. Oh yeah, money and greed.
' from a country currently enacting a genocide, who march into the streets of progressive Europe declaring their hate...'
The nerve of such Israeli fans to act in such ways in another freaking country! If this isn't the clearest sign of how dangerous a heavily brainwashed population can be, I don't know what is!
The Israelis are never called out by the mainstream media . An overindulged bully . The MSM is no longer trusted in any case . People are finding out the truth more and more and there is nothing the MSM can do to stop that process .
Really makes me laugh to see legacy media in the west failing and struggling, especially when it comes to their coverage of Palestine and israel's genocide in Palestine.
Absolutely no sympathy for these goofs. Hell, I've almost got no sympathy for journalism majors who are starry-eyed at the prospect of working in legacy media in the west.
I know I agree . It’s pathetic really . The beginning of the end of “legacy “ media was when they started embedding , and compromising journalists with the U.S. military during the Iraq war. They surrendered journalistic integrity , and if they were an at risk target before they sealed that fate . It’s no coincidence the U.S. and Israel have targeted many journalists in recent wars.
They want a pliant , subservient media.
That’s a big loss for the west. Loss of integrity . It can only be a slippery slope downwards .
Alt media’s whilst often bat shit crazy at least offer something of an antidote to legacy media’s curated AI reality !
"I was on that chopper that went down in baghdad", etc
TBH I find it worse when it comes to the journos who are ostensibly left wing on stuff that doesn't matter all that much (social liberalism comes to mind) while being neoliberal on issues of greater consequence.
A tragicomic media spin... I've seen a Dutch person say today that the way Dutch media portrayed this was so extreme, their now ex- friend (!) who was previously "pro-Palestine" bought into the narrative and sided with Israel. It beggars belief. Of course, I'd argue the friend never felt true solidarity with the Palestinian people and never got rid of racism and imperialist programming in the first place!
Anyone with some knowledge of football knows that the Maccabi Tel Aviv ultras are some of the most violent and most racist football hooligans on the planet. They cause nothing but trouble, riots and damage wherever they go and they're widely hated. There's no scenario in this or any parallel reality where they're sweet little innocent victims randomly and unjustly targeted for being Jewish and Israeli. They're disgusting racists and they got the pushback and resistance they deserve.
The truth is that the Netherlands has long been a state that supports all NATO and colonial and anti-muslim agendas, and their media highly active in promoting these narratives and many lies.
The Dutch government for example participated in the western bombings of Libya, and the western invasions and occupations of Afghanistand and Iraq. The Dutch government participated in the failed western attacks on Yemen in the past year, for the "crime" of the Yemeinis actually attempting to impose a naval embargo on the genocidal Israelis. The Dutch government and its agencies have been central in spreading falsified findings and false narratives about MH317 and the NordSteam bombing. The Dutch Government was even sued by dutch people to stop sending weapon and weapons parts to israel for the purpose of killing palestinians en masse:
What has the Dutch media done, every one of these cases? Supported the lies and gaslighting, instead of telling the truth about these racists colonial acts.
Absolutely! You're spot on and the friends I have who immigrated to The Netherlands would all agree with your assessment.
There's this manufactured image of The Netherlands and all other colonial forces that present them as "progressive" countries in a "post-colonial" world. It's a convenient, carefully fostered narrative to make people unsee the living, breathing colonialism that has never ended. Dutch media is just continuing the same thing it has been doing for centuries.
which makes you think, what else have they lied about? I will never believe MSM again. I try to watch western and eastern media at the same time and come to my own conclusions.
Well in the USA propaganda was legalized care of the Smith-Mundt Act. The goal is to lie, cover up the truth, and indoctrinate. That is the goal of all msm the world over as well.
On our sport newspaper many comments about Israel should play in the Asian Leagues as it has nothing to do share with Europe, east or west. But could you immagine what will happen to this nazi Maccabi fan playing against Iran...
But you should publish the reaction of many dutch guys that night, one of the best video I saw was a nazi Israeli swimming in a channel and the dutch were saying "Swim, swim... if you say loud Free Palestine we leave you alone..." Nice guys!
They should not be playing professional football at all. They have all been members of the Israeli Occupation Forces and have participated in its 50+ years of illegal occupation, apartheid and genocide.
They should be playing football yes - on prison football teams.
I find the "fuck around and find out" part a bit ironic. I'm sure the people living in these buildings raising palestinian flags had nooo clue that there would be israeli football fans in the city that evening, right? Those flags being stolen is exactly "fuck around and find out".
I'm not a Zionist, or a Palestinian, but I do have a right to register my condemnation of the mass murder of 17,000+ innocent children, blown to pieces by a bunch of morally repugnant supremacists, by flying a flag representing those innocents in my own country without the narcissistic supremacist group coming to my country thinking they can do as they wish and ripping down the flag I wish to fly in opposition to their arrogant wicked immoral actions against defenceless children...Capisce?
Don't feed the desperate white supremacist trolls. Their utopian white supremacist playground has been caught with its proverbial pants down and they can't understand why they can't keep raping, terrorizing, murdering, and torturing brown indigenous people any more. Their toys are being taken away (most of which they've already murdered) and their Lord of the (F)lies all-access pass to genocide is being revoked.
That is why the flags are there. That some genocide supporters, and some even genocie perpetrators, happen to be in Amsterdam, is NOT why the flag were being flown. Its because there is a genocide going on. Geddit?
There is a shocking level of narcism being expressed in the conceit that the flags were being flown out of spite or becasuse anyone specific was around.
Maybe the problem was narcisisstic israelis struggedl to cope with the reality of being outside their own country were genocide of palestians is not a normalised mass-accepted and mass, pepetrated phenomenon.
the main problem I have is that this is not a genocide and people like you are fucking stupid. a genocide is a direct, intended and in every way unprettified killing of a group of people. which is exactly not what's going on here. what turkey did against armenians was a genocide. what the nazis did with the jews was a genocide. what the regime in myanmar did against the rohingya is a genocide.
the idf counter-attacking an aggressor, that launches rockets every fucking day on it's nation and caused a massacre against civilians - which led to all this what's happening now? this is PER DEFINITION not a genocide.
you know what? I won't as well defend Israel! netanjahu is a fucking lunatic and nothing better than the Hamas guys. the war in Gaza obviously has to stop. the displacement of those poor and very young people has to stop. but you are an islamofascist propaganda victim if you really believe that israel could simply stop all that and everything would be fine and that their actions are in no way justifiable. the whole middle east wants israel and the jews gone, razed from the map, dead. also, they don't give a shit about their Palestinian comrades, because they are known to cause problems everywhere they go, be it Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt. they are even erecting walls (Egypt) to stop migrant influx from Palestinian territory. to simply blame Israel here is soooo easy because there are just so much more Muslims than Jews, which is why everyone is doing it. Hamas is laughing their asses of in Qatar with millions in the bank while you're harrassing the internet with their made up genocide theories.
The UNited Nations investigator has this October found Israel to be committing Genocide on the Palestinians as part of Israel's illegal occupation of palestine, and that the Palestinians have a right to resist Israel occupation, while Israel has NO right to military action, only to withdraw from its 50 year illegal colonial occupation
So no, you dont get to go around making up fake news or alternative facts. No.
2) You are crass and distasteful, as evidenced by your first sentence resolrting to insulting me personally. Your words are actually describing your own intellingence or lack therof.
Am done communicating with you. You operate on a gutter level. Stay there - alone.
If the only "values" they (zio) have to offer for people only their own bigotry, fascism, racism, terrorism then naturally they won't gonna be safe anywhere. They can't use the same old narrative over and over again to fool people in order to whitewashing their mistakes. The gashlighting and DARVO is so easy to be detected today, and those 2 manipulators tricks already irrelevant to many people. The world not as naive as what the closed-minded people think. It becomes more well-informed, sharp and sensitive in detecting the vicious and manipulative liars and those who naively trapped within their deceitful schemes.
It is about time to expell israeli teams from competing in european sports events.
Israel was invited long time ago to prevent isolation in a 'hostile' environment. Now that Israel has shown it has no due respect a guest must show, now that Israel is isolating itself from civilized countries, we don't need to still be generous.
Exclude Israel from european sport competitions.
Right? What are they even doing in the European events? Last time we were told, they were desperate to get out of Europe.
Exactly this. And they they are not European. I never understood why they were even allowed to participate in Eurovision. Boot them out.
FIFA won't ban them and keep deferring any decision
I'm afraid not. But Fifa and Uefa are better targets to try a change than the UN. Just for sheer size! Football fans as a lever can make pressure - its about money. Imagine boykotting an important match ...
Don't understand what you mean by "I'm afraid not". Football fans have been campaigning
I wanted to say FIFA won't do it on its own. Unless fans make more pressure. FIFA has no conscience of its own. FIFA goes where the sponsors tell them to go.
Understood. That's why we all need to BDS in any way we can.
I can't tell if the reference to "civilized countries" is intended as satire, due to the colonial anglocentric nature of that inference. I have never considered european countries, including "israel," civilized. Quite the opposite, actually.
Israel should never had been invited to pretend to be part oof Europe in the first place. If they were "isolated" well that's because Israel has from inception been a murderous colonial aparthied state:
And that's before one adds the fact that they have been bombing and invading neighbouring countries for 50+ years.
Israel is a rogue state that indeed SHOULD be isolated. And sanctioned. And frankly embragoed until they stop doing all the illegal things that they are doing. Its long overdue.
Clubs drawn against these teams should boycott the games and force UEFA to act because up until now they are working for zionism. Horrible people
George, good morning! You're going to love what I have to tell you: guess where they're playing in two weeks? Istanbul! Not sure we'll see the same arrogance there.
Game on. Give them the welcome they deserve 🤬🤬🤬
No you're right, no messing with those fans. If they go there they will be lucky to leave
One can hope there are some 'brave' smart arses though to provide us with videos to laugh at
Lucky to leave alive more like it
it's too bad that they've officially switched to a "neutral" location. Istanbul would knock them out to say the least.
The clubs are owned by westerne oligarchs who are corrupt and often in bed with zionists. Some of the clubs, such as Athletico Madrid, are actually directly owned by Israeli oligarchs:
Madrid stake in €50 million deal
by Dermot Corrigan, Madrid correspondent
Nov 17, 2017,
Israel is not in Europe. It does not adhere to European values. It is a country at war with all its neighbours and, as such, should not be included in any sporting event.
However, the world of football is keen to rake in the cash..... so decent values take a back seat.
It is a project founded and sustained by europeans, hence the settler-colonial barbarism employed since the 1800s. Before the european zionists, other europeans decided we weren't "human" and exercised their illegal squatting and raping rights just as european countries do. Zionism is a product of europe, 100%.
You make a very good point. Sadly, the more diabolical aspects of colonialism are evident in Zionism.
"European values" include colonialism allied to the evelation of commercialism over all human and social values, and the exercise of military might to impose this regime.
And in fact the state of israel was literally born out of those values, as it is a colonial state, carved out in the middle east by European colonial powers.
Israel is a spoiled child that is living out the values of its parents.
Yep. BUT it was not the European people who did this… was it? No. It was the international crime syndicate who rule over us all and treat us all like slaves.
European business and government leaders have these colonial and money-worshipping values. It was invented here in Europe.
Do they think people are stupid to keep buying into this? There are videos of them clearly being the provocateurs. They wanted it to happen so they can cry victim.
Can't go on for much longer, eyes on Paris this Thurs
Well, France has already banned displaying flags of Palestine 🤦way to go Europe. You are falling right before our eyes.
It's really just pandering to the political talking heads, who'll be a constant for israel no matter what happens.
For actual people? Well, we can see what actually happened in this case.
Yes, the masses are easily fooled.
This is not a random event. The west has been steadily descending into a state where events are provoked and staged for such objectives.
Entitled , obnoxious, arrogant pricks. Why are they allowed to compete in any international competition? South Africa wasn’t. Oh yeah, money and greed.
' from a country currently enacting a genocide, who march into the streets of progressive Europe declaring their hate...'
The nerve of such Israeli fans to act in such ways in another freaking country! If this isn't the clearest sign of how dangerous a heavily brainwashed population can be, I don't know what is!
The Israelis are never called out by the mainstream media . An overindulged bully . The MSM is no longer trusted in any case . People are finding out the truth more and more and there is nothing the MSM can do to stop that process .
Really makes me laugh to see legacy media in the west failing and struggling, especially when it comes to their coverage of Palestine and israel's genocide in Palestine.
Absolutely no sympathy for these goofs. Hell, I've almost got no sympathy for journalism majors who are starry-eyed at the prospect of working in legacy media in the west.
I know I agree . It’s pathetic really . The beginning of the end of “legacy “ media was when they started embedding , and compromising journalists with the U.S. military during the Iraq war. They surrendered journalistic integrity , and if they were an at risk target before they sealed that fate . It’s no coincidence the U.S. and Israel have targeted many journalists in recent wars.
They want a pliant , subservient media.
That’s a big loss for the west. Loss of integrity . It can only be a slippery slope downwards .
Alt media’s whilst often bat shit crazy at least offer something of an antidote to legacy media’s curated AI reality !
"I was on that chopper that went down in baghdad", etc
TBH I find it worse when it comes to the journos who are ostensibly left wing on stuff that doesn't matter all that much (social liberalism comes to mind) while being neoliberal on issues of greater consequence.
"P*ssyhats", you could say.
Yeah interesting observation that .
Liberalism has always been riddled with paradox .
A tragicomic media spin... I've seen a Dutch person say today that the way Dutch media portrayed this was so extreme, their now ex- friend (!) who was previously "pro-Palestine" bought into the narrative and sided with Israel. It beggars belief. Of course, I'd argue the friend never felt true solidarity with the Palestinian people and never got rid of racism and imperialist programming in the first place!
Anyone with some knowledge of football knows that the Maccabi Tel Aviv ultras are some of the most violent and most racist football hooligans on the planet. They cause nothing but trouble, riots and damage wherever they go and they're widely hated. There's no scenario in this or any parallel reality where they're sweet little innocent victims randomly and unjustly targeted for being Jewish and Israeli. They're disgusting racists and they got the pushback and resistance they deserve.
The truth is that the Netherlands has long been a state that supports all NATO and colonial and anti-muslim agendas, and their media highly active in promoting these narratives and many lies.
The Dutch government for example participated in the western bombings of Libya, and the western invasions and occupations of Afghanistand and Iraq. The Dutch government participated in the failed western attacks on Yemen in the past year, for the "crime" of the Yemeinis actually attempting to impose a naval embargo on the genocidal Israelis. The Dutch government and its agencies have been central in spreading falsified findings and false narratives about MH317 and the NordSteam bombing. The Dutch Government was even sued by dutch people to stop sending weapon and weapons parts to israel for the purpose of killing palestinians en masse:
What has the Dutch media done, every one of these cases? Supported the lies and gaslighting, instead of telling the truth about these racists colonial acts.
So no one can be surprised here.
Absolutely! You're spot on and the friends I have who immigrated to The Netherlands would all agree with your assessment.
There's this manufactured image of The Netherlands and all other colonial forces that present them as "progressive" countries in a "post-colonial" world. It's a convenient, carefully fostered narrative to make people unsee the living, breathing colonialism that has never ended. Dutch media is just continuing the same thing it has been doing for centuries.
Boycott Zionists. They shouldn't have been allowed into the country, much less a football game
Wow… I can’t believe how msm is covering the incident 🤯🤯
msm in the west has lost all credibility around israel-Palestine. Simple as that.
which makes you think, what else have they lied about? I will never believe MSM again. I try to watch western and eastern media at the same time and come to my own conclusions.
Well in the USA propaganda was legalized care of the Smith-Mundt Act. The goal is to lie, cover up the truth, and indoctrinate. That is the goal of all msm the world over as well.
I think that's a good way to approach the issue.
💯 and trying to explain that to people who I thought knew that is mind boggling
On our sport newspaper many comments about Israel should play in the Asian Leagues as it has nothing to do share with Europe, east or west. But could you immagine what will happen to this nazi Maccabi fan playing against Iran...
But you should publish the reaction of many dutch guys that night, one of the best video I saw was a nazi Israeli swimming in a channel and the dutch were saying "Swim, swim... if you say loud Free Palestine we leave you alone..." Nice guys!
They should not be playing professional football at all. They have all been members of the Israeli Occupation Forces and have participated in its 50+ years of illegal occupation, apartheid and genocide.
They should be playing football yes - on prison football teams.
Thank you Declan.
My pleasure, hope you're having a good weekend!
You too. Have a good weekend!
One word - Scum!
Israeli Zionist… The masters of DARVO
I find the "fuck around and find out" part a bit ironic. I'm sure the people living in these buildings raising palestinian flags had nooo clue that there would be israeli football fans in the city that evening, right? Those flags being stolen is exactly "fuck around and find out".
some idf goof getting thrown in the drink is the definition of "fuck around and find out".
Sorry, you lose. Thanks for playing.
I'm not a Zionist, or a Palestinian, but I do have a right to register my condemnation of the mass murder of 17,000+ innocent children, blown to pieces by a bunch of morally repugnant supremacists, by flying a flag representing those innocents in my own country without the narcissistic supremacist group coming to my country thinking they can do as they wish and ripping down the flag I wish to fly in opposition to their arrogant wicked immoral actions against defenceless children...Capisce?
Don't feed the desperate white supremacist trolls. Their utopian white supremacist playground has been caught with its proverbial pants down and they can't understand why they can't keep raping, terrorizing, murdering, and torturing brown indigenous people any more. Their toys are being taken away (most of which they've already murdered) and their Lord of the (F)lies all-access pass to genocide is being revoked.
Probably more like 57,000 children.
The flags are being flown in Amsterdam and in many places around the world, for over a year now…..becasue there is a genocide going on:
That is why the flags are there. That some genocide supporters, and some even genocie perpetrators, happen to be in Amsterdam, is NOT why the flag were being flown. Its because there is a genocide going on. Geddit?
There is a shocking level of narcism being expressed in the conceit that the flags were being flown out of spite or becasuse anyone specific was around.
Maybe the problem was narcisisstic israelis struggedl to cope with the reality of being outside their own country were genocide of palestians is not a normalised mass-accepted and mass, pepetrated phenomenon.
the main problem I have is that this is not a genocide and people like you are fucking stupid. a genocide is a direct, intended and in every way unprettified killing of a group of people. which is exactly not what's going on here. what turkey did against armenians was a genocide. what the nazis did with the jews was a genocide. what the regime in myanmar did against the rohingya is a genocide.
the idf counter-attacking an aggressor, that launches rockets every fucking day on it's nation and caused a massacre against civilians - which led to all this what's happening now? this is PER DEFINITION not a genocide.
you know what? I won't as well defend Israel! netanjahu is a fucking lunatic and nothing better than the Hamas guys. the war in Gaza obviously has to stop. the displacement of those poor and very young people has to stop. but you are an islamofascist propaganda victim if you really believe that israel could simply stop all that and everything would be fine and that their actions are in no way justifiable. the whole middle east wants israel and the jews gone, razed from the map, dead. also, they don't give a shit about their Palestinian comrades, because they are known to cause problems everywhere they go, be it Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt. they are even erecting walls (Egypt) to stop migrant influx from Palestinian territory. to simply blame Israel here is soooo easy because there are just so much more Muslims than Jews, which is why everyone is doing it. Hamas is laughing their asses of in Qatar with millions in the bank while you're harrassing the internet with their made up genocide theories.
1) The International Court of Justice has this year declared that Israel is committing Genocide
The UNited Nations investigator has this October found Israel to be committing Genocide on the Palestinians as part of Israel's illegal occupation of palestine, and that the Palestinians have a right to resist Israel occupation, while Israel has NO right to military action, only to withdraw from its 50 year illegal colonial occupation
So no, you dont get to go around making up fake news or alternative facts. No.
2) You are crass and distasteful, as evidenced by your first sentence resolrting to insulting me personally. Your words are actually describing your own intellingence or lack therof.
Am done communicating with you. You operate on a gutter level. Stay there - alone.
If the only "values" they (zio) have to offer for people only their own bigotry, fascism, racism, terrorism then naturally they won't gonna be safe anywhere. They can't use the same old narrative over and over again to fool people in order to whitewashing their mistakes. The gashlighting and DARVO is so easy to be detected today, and those 2 manipulators tricks already irrelevant to many people. The world not as naive as what the closed-minded people think. It becomes more well-informed, sharp and sensitive in detecting the vicious and manipulative liars and those who naively trapped within their deceitful schemes.