When an extreme regime like the one in Saudi Arabia exists, it has nothing to do with Islam except for using the holy sites as tools to oppress people. Such regimes create individuals shaped by their oppression and hatred. A similar phenomenon can be seen in Iran, which mirrors Saudi Arabia’s methods but follows a different ideological path.

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You just described Israel

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The House of Saud was a British creation - and there is evidence to suggest that the Saudi ‘Royal Family’ were really crypto Jews.

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Special respect and regards to your Mom, from Germany - keep up your fine research work and please take care.

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Thanks a lot, Susan! Wishing you a lovely rest of the weekend.

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Declan, relax, its worse as you may think. So enjoy a very relaxed days. - precisely this incident makes it abundantly clear that for the second time in 100 years, Germany is now back in the same situation as in 1929, when the stock markets lost two-thirds of their value and the unemployed 6.5 million lifted the nazis to the throne. This "action for dachshunds"" the short-legged AfD is nothing more than the other side of a coin covered in greenwash and the naive people are in for a rude awakening. There is no harmony or dialogue anymore and soon here in France where right-wing extremists are shooting at migrants at random or ignorant AfD followers in Germany will begin beating up secular socialists.

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Save us, Perseus!

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Imagine my shock when I read his pro Israel posts 🙄 wouldn't be surprised if they are behind it to drum up more anti muslim hate just as many Muslims are leaving Europe to go home

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My instinct says, 'Not everything is Israel' on this one. I think it's quite possible he was just the kind of immigrant who had a superiority complex and then went mad. He claims to be a doctor working in a German hospital so I'm super curious what his colleagues have to say.

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I don't think the man's ideology matters one bit. You clearly have to be insane to commit such an act.

"Germans are not Muslim so I will kill Germans in the name of Allah." vs "Germany wants to Islamize the whole of Europe so I will kill Germans for the protection of europe."

Neither of those make sense. The finger pointing at Muslims or the AfD will be a distraction from the issue of mass immigration that allows for and seems to support the rapes, assaults, and murders of actual German people.

This event may likely wind up as one of the nails prepared for the coffin of the AfD held by the German government if this guy has any social media interaction with one of their poloticians.

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Your posting started with some reason up to this remark about "mass immigration", "rape and murder of German people". The most issues with migration have the countries affected by our European and US war plans, Thomas (or whoever you are), so stopping these plans would make the difference, right? Logic?

Secondly: the most violent acts in Germany of the past years have been committed by perpetrators with German-ID acc to stats of Bundesministerium für Innere Sicherheit / BKA in cases of "häusliche Gewalt"/domestic violence and abuse. The actual nail in anyone's coffin is the ignorance online, and to allow states to commit mass murder in foreign countries just to make business with war tech. That's not how sane humans may function and not how to support international humanitarian laws.

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Those same countries with war plans didn't ask their people to approve these plans plans. They didn't ask if migrants/refugees should be accepted. Both of these things were foisted upon the peoples of any country involved by their respective governments.

Would it not be logical for a government to question the idea of allowing the people of a country you're actively destroying to flood your own? We are not morally obligated to accept the supposed refugees of any conflict, nor do we need them. I absolutely hate the fact that my own country destroys the lives of millions around the world as much as I hate that we keep inviting the same people over. It is insanity.

The idea that people holding German-ID are responsible for the majority of domestic issues is a fallacy. A card does not make you German, English, French, or American. Your argument there holds no water.

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Well, it's not 'an idea' of mine, it's statistics. You neither have no complete data about who is using violence behind all those closed doors in Germany, haven't you? All we have is the records made public by Police. But what we do know is, that these domestic crimes were committed by people with a German-ID.

It's not necessary to use personal interpretation, it's simply numbers. I am German, neverless grown up in France, with Eastern European roots. My Mom was born in Stettin when it was in German hands. Now it's Polish, rightly so.

The point is moot from the get-go to accuse "migration" of adding criminal acts, you know. There are enough crimes committed by 'the own people', and this is valid also for other countries. So what makes a human being a real 'German' and at what point? If your parents came from Turkiye for work after WWII? After "the Wende" 1989 from Eastern Europe? This alone is hard to put in a social-scientific context even. Legally first of all, it takes a clear definition, and we have one with the German constitution. By saying that, if I have to agree on the non-binding resolution to acknowledge the state of Israel, which is unlawful under any nation's constitutional laws, - am I still a proper German now or just a human being born in Germany having issues with our decisionmaking or policies?

Are we - as a state - obligated to accept refugees? No.

Do I personally support incoming danger from outside? No.

That's why I would kick European mercenaries out of my effing land, if I was African! So I can stay in my homeland, like Syria or Sudan, and don't have to sell my property to a human trafficker to end in a country, that doesn't want me anyway. As German with citizenship, of course it's my duty to protect my land - I myself am working in the civil defence sector, emergency response.

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I didn't say it was you idea, Susan. If that's who you actually are. I'm talking about a guy who doesn't belong in Germany in the first place driving a BMW through a crowd of people to kill them for whatever reason and you're bringing up domestic violence. Does any part of any video you've seen covering this look like a a car racing through a living room in a home you absolute fucking idiot?

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I mentioned the domestic violence because you mentioned "rape and murder brought into Germany by migration", but you disqualified yourself by calling me now a fucking idiot. That's how we are, the 'humans' behind those screens. So why are you wondering about someone ploughing a car into a crowd, if he gets paid for it or is full of hatred? The motive to attack others may be different, the harm to people's minds or bodies is the same at last. Maybe you are humane enough to read my text again, if you are not an idiot yourself.

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No, ma'am. Calling you a fucking idiot points out the fact that you're a fucking idiot for bringing domestic violence behind closed doors to the argument. Your anecdote about your own family history does no more for this conversation than you saying I'm disqualified for calling you an idiot. The man was Saudi. He wasn't one day a Saudi and the next a German due to murky borders or a world war.

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Not to get into it but I remember a lot of really legitimately German good old blue eyed blonde haired boys committing a whole lot of something back in the forties, eh?

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Like the actual defense of Europe from communism? Loads of it.

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This mass immigration BS narrative again! Repeating this nonsense is asinine, and makes it clear that you’re commenting in bad faith.

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It is not nonsense or BS Mr Clever Somewhat Offensive Username. Show me that mass immigration of non-Europeans into Europe does not have any any affect on the crime statistics of any European country and I will show you my own rumpled foreskin in good faith.

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RumpledForeskin is my cousin.

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You earned that smile with very little effort.

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Let me guess, the W of your surname is the first letter of Wanker.

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He will smoothly transition from ‘Muslim terrorist’ to ‘sad case of untreated mental health issues’, as always.

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Are you saying that Zionism is an untreated mental condition?

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I’m saying that when the media treat news on violence committed by someone from an ‘undesirable’ ethnic or religious group, it’s extremely quickly labeled ‘terrorism’ (a term we have all been primed to fear, that implies sinister organization and nefarious political intent) whereas when the perpetrator of a very similar violent act is of a ‘favorable’ skin color or religion, suddenly the story is framed as a ‘mental health issue’ (a term that implies some empathy for the assailant as it is not his fault he is ill, there is no implication of organized sinister activity, just a tragic case of illness, the story can quickly be moved to more benign topics like ‘we need to provide more support to people suffering’). It’s extremely calculated and obvious when you start to track it.

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That one drives me nuts for 2 reasons. One is the double standards as you mentioned. It's a type of fundamental attribution error: When your guys kill people it's because your culture and ideology turn you into murderers and that's all we need to know. When our guys kill people it's like a complex narrative and you have to know his whole life story to know where things went wrong. Please have a heart.

The other reason is because it pollutes a salient point. These things very much are often mental health issues. However by always using that as an excuse for one side and never for the other, it discredits the idea. The side that is always talking about mental health suddenly stops, and the side that only brings it up as a distraction smiles because it worked.

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Yes, 100%. I honestly don’t think Mangione is 100% mentally well either. Committing random murder is seldom the work of a healthy mind. But that can’t be the end of the story. There are underlying social trends that push one person to shoot up a school, another one to shoot up a gay bar, another one to execute a CEO, another one to drive into a crowd of Christmas shoppers. We can’t understand any of them without context. None of them are entirely random.

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Yup it leads directly to the question "What is mental illness anyways?" Generally when people do those things they are by definition not mentally healthy so it's more a matter of whether they fit into a convenient diagnosis. We also have a habit of either ignoring or embellishing context. Some people won't learn anything about Mangione or others for various reasons, and some people will try and prescribe motives to his choice of 4th grade book reports.

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It took me out when a significant number of ‘serious’ media reported how they discovered he had engaged in a deranged violent video game where you simulate being a vicious murderer - ‘Among Us’.

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Absolutely pal, well said. I was actually just having a pop at Zionists because they’ve wound me up.

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I feel you on that for sure

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Germany followed in the same footsteps as NZ, terrorist are non white but in this case it falls into the second category. terrorist are only those who attack western ideology, ans because he was anti Muslim, had far right ideology he couldn't be a terrorist and all warnings went ignored.

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And the usual suspects are already screeching about "taqiyya" (although mainly mispelling it).

Interesting how many of these are hardcore zionists, considering that Jews used to have a similar concept, especially when they were forced to convert to Christianity under the penalty of death. A lot of "I support israel, exterminate the Palestinians" types are screaming "taqiyya" in response to the facts.

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I think we should be careful not to believe everything we see on a social media page or two we don’t know how long he was planning these attacks. We can probably only infer from his profile that this is what he wanted us to think whether that is reality or a great big gaslight, who knows?

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A Hit Man for the Jewish Nazis!

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Raging Zionist? If running people over makes you a raging Zionist, I guess I'm just a moderate Zionist. Thanks for the clarification, I was worried I had slipped into the raging category.

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I’d say rampaging but I guess he was probably raging as well, or maybe he was really calm, who knows? I think it’s okay for you to be raging pal, just as long as you don’t go a rampaging eh.

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I find it notable that this extremist has held these beliefs for decades and now decides to act. Is this someone who has been radicalised to violence by Musk’s heavily edited X?

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Wow!!! I’m ashamed, I was hoodwinked by the Western media, yet again!

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So will he become a Magione? A hero?

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Because the far-right will praise his act.

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